Monday 26 July 2010

Jeep Safari!

The Jeeps came for us after breakfast and, having made sure we had plenty of water in the cool boxes, we headed for the jungle!

The man in the picture below is Chris, one of our hilarious and very knowledgeable guides for the morning. We had a fantastic tour up into the mountains which form the central part of St Lucia - the first stop-off was a 'fruit stop' was most welcome where we sampled the many fruits indigenous to St Lucia ... from green coconuts to mangoes, and from breadfruit to starfruit (or 'five fingers' as the locals call it). Delicious. The main fruit in the island is course bananas, and Chris explained how they grow and how the fair trade system works. We visited the largest plantation on the island, and Chris pointed out the Sainbury's sign - all the bananas from St Lucia end up in their stores back home.
Then it was further up into the mountains to find the waterfall. A short trek took us up to a beautiful natural rockpool where it was milliseconds before the flip flops were off and the lads were in!
We then journeyed to Anse-la-Raye on the coast, minding to duck as we passed trees bending down over the road, where we stopped for refreshments and a restroom break. The journey continued back along the coast, Chris all the while regaling us with tales and facts about his beloved St Lucia: an outstanding morning.

The afternoon has been spent relaxing around this excellent hotel, or at the beach and we will have a team meal this evening before an early night in preparation for the next match tomorrow. The tour couldn't be going better and everyone is having an excellent time.