Wednesday 28 July 2010

Defeat :o(

Our joy at yesterday's epic victory was short-lived as we were well beaten at Gros Islet (pronounced Groze-ee-lay) today. We won the toss and put them into bat having agreed upon 35 overs per side. We didn't agree upon a 'free hit' after a front foot no-ball, or to a limit of 7 overs per bowler, much to our captain's later chagrin!

Gros Islet batted first and scored 195-6 in their 35 overs ... a few dropped catches and 36 wides(!) left us wondering what might have been! They were a good side, with several players who represent the St Lucia national side. QEGS stuck at their task well in blistering heat and were more than ready for lunch when it came.
The highlights from our bowling figures were: Braithwaite 3-0-21-2, A Smith 1-0-13-1, Busby 5-1-18-1, Sleightholme 7-0-20-1, Hawley 5-0-29-1.

The afternoon was hard going too, as Gros Islet proved as handy with the ball as with the bat: we were all out for 90 in 24 overs - the national U15 captain taking 4-18 in 4.4 with devastating leg spin. Busby 29, Sleightholme 12, Braithwaite 11, Hawley 8. We need to come forward to the ball more was the assessment of Mr Cox, watching the game.
The earlier finish meant a bonus trip to the beach however, where the banana boat was popular ride for the staff and some of the boys! Everyone is looking forward to the catamaran trip tomorrow and the spirit in the camp is good, despite the defeat today.