Thursday 29 July 2010

Water water everywhere!

Our skipper Wendell and first mate Errol collected us at Rodney Bay Marina and we set sail down the western coast of St Lucia. It was not long before we ran into an almighty rain storm and we were all soaked through long before the swimming stop!

The water was nice and warm when we eventually hauled anchor in a quiet bay for a swim and some exploration of the beach; stunning waterfalls and volcanic black sand being some of the features of this beautiful coastline.

Then it was further south to Soufrieres (Soo-fray) and a delicious buffet lunch of fish stew, chicken, lamb curry, pasta, vegetables, bread fruit, plantain, banana fritters - all local specialities.

Snorkelling was next, and although the water was not as clear as it might have been after the rain and with the dull sky, there was still plenty of fish and different types of coral to enjoy.

The journey back north took us through an even more intense rainstorm but the lads stayed on deck and sang lustily throughout the deluge!

A short detour into Marigot Bay allowed us to admire the homes of the rich and famous (who's Chuck Norris??!) and apparently this picturesque spot was once popular as a movie location too (Doctor Doolitle, The Blue Lagoon)

Our first mate Errol caught a snapper off the back of the boat, but just after this picture was taken he slipped and dropped it back unharmed into the sea - much to the delight of some of the QEGS anti-hunting league in the middle of the boat!

We pulled into the Marina at dusk, having had a good day despite the weather. This is a great day out for tourists in the Caribbean and Mystic Man Tours did us proud today - our thanks to Wendell, Errol and Caroline for their hospitality and friendly management of the day.

Pizza seemed to be the popular choice for dinner tonight and the local Domino's Pizza was kept busy supplying hungry cricket tourists. We hope that our matches on Friday and Saturday will be able to go ahead, but we shall have to wait and see!