Saturday 24 July 2010

Let's hit the beach!

Firstly, let me apologise for the relative paucity of material for the Blog so far - a hectic schedule and patchy connectivity have made getting the details of our adventures actually posted quite tricky!

But I'm here now ...
A good night's rest was more than welcome after a long day travelling yesterday ... as was the excellent breakfast offered by our ever more impressive hosts at the Bay Gardens Inn. The proposed training session was called off due to lack of available facilities (there is a representative U19 tournament going on here that was switched from another island at the last minute). There was little opposition from the boys, however, and once we had sampled the pool and visited the supermarket, it was time to hit the beach! A short walk to our sister hotel at the Bay Gardens Resort was rewarded with beautiful golden sands and calm clear waters for swimming. Despite the lack of training session, it was not long before some beach cricket broke out, involving some of the local populace.

We returned to our own hotel in the late afternoon, where our liaison Mr Roland Cox gave a Masterclass on Cricket scoring - he was, after all, the Official Statistician for the 2010 Twenty20 World Cup! He has offered use his own system to score in our first match tomorrow and demonstrate how it is vastly superior to the traditional cricket score book! Watch this space ...

It is Tim Brathwaite's birthday today and after a satisfying, if rather slow, meal at Tequila Joe's, we regaled all within earshot with a sensitive rendition of Happy Birthday! Tim enjoyed his cake.

We all opted for a relatively early night in preparation for our first Tour Match in the morning - versus Choiseul at Piaye in the far south of St Lucia ... only 21 miles long, but it takes some 2 hours to traverse its length! Should be interesting in this heat!!